Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tales of the Canuckistan Explorer, Part 1

Today, I decided to walk down into the city center and do some exploring on my own. I photographed my journey.

First of all, I have to say that Fall is definitely here! There's been a little bit of sun here and there, but it's been pretty dang cold! I heard that before I got here, the weather had been really warm, sunny and nice. Argh. And now I hear that it's warm, sunny and nice in Portland. What the hec?

Anyways, on to the is my step by step trek:

Forget Waldo! Where's Wellard? Can you see me?

I saw this sign along the way and it made me laugh. I guess you need to look out for bears around here and make sure you don't hit them when they're trying to cross the street. No one wants Yogi to die....or somethin'. It was a bit random and since I don't understand German all to well, I'm left to my own interpretation. A little dangerous, I know.

Where are we going? We're going to downtown Liestal, but it's no where on this signpost. Good to know where the gymnasium is though.

Some German woman stopped me and asked me for directions. I guess I totally fit in and don't look like a tourist. Wahoo.

Almost to the City Center.

Have you ever heard of Carlsbag beer?
This slogan made me laugh. It's probably the best beer in the world...but maybe not. Doesn't seem very convincing does it?
I found out later that the Swiss here are not really arrogant. They don't go around saying they are #1 or that they're the best. They're
very self critical....which explains the slogan.

Saw a creek...took a picture of it. Fall is probably my favorite season. I love the colors.

This is a sports bar. I know...who cares? I just really like the architecture here.

I stumbled upon a street market. It had the same feel that Saturday Market has in Portland. There were some pretty cool things to look at there. I bought a couple souvenirs. Some guy tried to totally rip me off, but when he noticed I wasn't going anywhere until he gave me the correct change, he gave me my 5$ worth of swiss francs. $5 is $5 people. Every little bit counts especially when you're unemployed.

There were a bunch of little alleyways that led onto the next streets. Who takes pictures of alleys? I DO!
What can I say? I'm trigger happy with the camera and I'm in Europe for crying out loud!

This is the church right at the city center. It was so quiet there and hardly anyone was around. Some parts of the city center were chaotic and others were simply serene and peaceful. The church bells ring hourly. Even though I'm not staying in the city center, I can still hear them when they ring. I love it. It makes me smile.

This sculpture is right out in front of the church. Quite a stark contrast between the two. A little disturbing. There was no sign or anything around the sculpture giving any indication as to the meaning of it. I'm interested to know what the thought was behind the creation or what it represents.

There are more pics to post...but I think this particular post is long enough. I will post the rest tomorrow.

To Be Continued.....