I can hardly believe that I've lived in my place since January 1, 2000. I moved in on the first day of the new millenium...just a couple months after I turned 19. Craziness!
This place has served me well. It's been a good home. It's been a great place to dig my roots in and have some stability after moving around a lot in my teenage years.
And now, I'm moving out. I'll be out by the end of this year. To cut costs and save money, I've made the decision to pack up and......move across the street! For now, at least. heh.
My neighbors have made me an offer I can't refuse. This will be a great change for me and I'm looking forward to downsizing. I've accrued way too much stuff over the last 8 years.
I remember now why I haven't acquired a taste for moving. It's a lot of tedious work.
December is going to be a crazy month!