-While over here, I've tried deer and horse for the first time. (sorry Bambi and Black Beauty!)
-I've had more salami and pasta in the last month than I've had in my lifetime.
-There are no toilet handles here...just buttons to push or knobs to turn.
-I've had to pay to use a public restroom twice.
-In the last week, I've had two dreams that it's snowed and it snowed last night for the first time. (None of it stayed, I wish I could've gotten a pic of it!)
-I had a dream that I met Sting (it'd be cool if that became true...)
-I've had one major road rage outburst....while I was in the passenger seat. You'll have to ask me about that one! (some material may not be suitable for some readers)
-I haven't had meat with every meal. (that is a REALLY BIG DEAL, people!)
-I saw a walrus skull, polar bear skull, stuffed bat, stuffed armadillo, 1 hug tarantula all in one room. (I visited someone's personal museum and it was crazy! I don't have pics, sorry.)
-I've become a better cook. (this one's for you, mom)
-I haven't watched TV at all and it's been fine.
-I didn't realize how much I've missed having free water at restaurants. You don't get complimentary water here. You have to order it...and it usually ends up being way more expensive to drink than your regular drink order!
-I've gotten lost twice while driving here...and ended up back at that children's school.
-Hot water is limited
-Here, you have to weigh and price your own fruit....which I didn't figure out until the cashiers had to leave and go do it for me...twice!
-I love crepes.
-When you think you have the last laugh, you don't always do. (Just ask me about my water/whipping cream/coffee fight.)