Sunday, June 29, 2008

I tried to leave but they wouldn't let me....

So, after pulling an all nighter and getting everything boxed up and packed in suitcases, I was finally at the Portland International Airport. I had a great lunch there at Stanford's with my family and some friends and soon it was time to say goodbye and go through security. As usual, I hate goodbyes and all of these ones got me choked up a little bit.
My plane ended up being delayed about 20 minutes. In the meantime, I called my phone company and canceled my cell phone service. After boarding the plane, I sat down in my seat for a couple minutes and then promptly fell asleep. I was half-conscious when we started moving. A little bit later, I woke up and noticed that the plane had left the gate but we were still on the runway. I figured we were waiting for a couple other planes to land or take off and so I fell back asleep again. I woke up a little bit later and noticed we were still on the runway.

"What's going on?" I asked the lady sitting next to me.
"Didn't you hear?" She looked at me perplexed.
"I fell asleep." I said.
"The steering mechanism for the plane is broken and now we're having someone tow us back to the gate so they can work on it and try to fix it." She told me.
"What? Seriously? Unbelievable!" I exclaimed. "Well, at least it happened on the ground rather than in the sky."

I suppose I don't know why it should surprise me the slightest. Once again, my coincidental misfortune syndrome strikes again!

They wouldn't let us get off the plane. After an hour of sitting, the air stopped working and I decided to get up and walk around so it wouldn't feel so stuffy.

"How long is this going to take and how long will they keep us on here?" I overheard a passenger asking a flight attendant.
"We're not too sure, sir. If we need to get a new plane, we'll need a new crew and that could take at least a day." The flight attendant answered.
"They don't plan on keeping us on here that whole time do they?" I interjected.
Both of them smiled.
"We'll probably be underway soon." The flight attendant answered. "This has happened a couple times before."
"How very reassuring." I said wryly.
And we laughed.

2.5 hours later, we were finally on our way!
It's already sucky enough to be on a plane for 12 hours or so...but to also be on there for an additional 3 hours when you're not flying anywhere isn't exactly my idea of fun.

Though, the flight did go by pretty fast and I was able to make my transfer in Frankfurt, Germany just fine.

So, here I am now in Switzerland safe and sound and really tired!
I can pull off the whole walking zombie thing pretty well.