Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Sorta Video

I took this short video so all of you could get a feel for the marketplace. A small, but notable disclaimer: I suck as a director/cinematographer/documentarist or whatever you want to call it. First of all, I went way too fast in catch what you can. Second, I filmed it vertically, but apparently my camera doesn't film vertically and I can't figure how to make the picture go right side up because I'm not that technicalogically advance...and come to think of it, I don't even think technicalogically is a word......technologically maybe? Anyways, you have to watch this video with your head sideways to the left. You'll get the gist, though. Have fun! Whoever lists the most things they see in this video, I will award you with a souvenir and a congratulatory pat on the back. Isn't that such great incentive?