Thursday, September 27, 2007

On the Contrary

"Something's afoot. A restlessness has crept in beyond belief.
I want a life. This isn't supposed to be my life. It's not supposed to be a stalemate. I don't have anymore stories to tell....
Apathy wants to hold my hand and speak to me in quiet tones.
The sun's made an obvious appearance all the while screaming at me to come and join it...I'm inside staring out at it from my cube of mundane boredom. Please tell me the rest of my life won't be spent in a 9-5, 40 hour cubicle. It's not supposed to be like this. All the other people are living and I'm just watching

I found this today. It's something I had written earlier in the year.
A lot can change in 9 months. (Thank God!) Here I am, about to be jobless in a couple weeks and not have the safety net of financial security....but at the same time, about to embark on an adventure. It's exciting! Change hasn't always been easy for me. Now more than ever, though, I realize how much I need it.

I got together with some friends last night that I hadn't seen for a while. Dropped a couple of my bombshells to catch them up on my life. Their smiles started small and then soon turned into ear to ear grins. Excited, they told me,

"We'll always side with adventure and tell you to go for it. Anybody can do routine but not everyone goes for adventure. Just do it."

I'm going to do it.

Just typing that makes me smile.